About Me

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Irvine, California, United States
Donald Altman, M.D. has been practicing in Irvine, California since 1986. His primary focus is cosmetic surgery, as well as non-invasive rejuvenation treatments. Specific inquiries may be directed to his email at donaldaltmanmd@gmail.com. For more information, visit http://altmanmd.com/

Thursday, April 12, 2012

If You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say ...

View from Irvine Plastic Surgery Center
Photo by Donald Altman, M.D.
I applaud Ashley Judd for having the courage to address reports that inferred she had undergone cosmetic surgery as the star’s face appeared “puffy."

Like many plastic surgeons I am often asked to provide my input as to whether or not a celebrity has received a cosmetic procedure.   Just because someone is in a position to make a judgment doesn't make it the right thing to do, especially when the action only causes harm to all participants.

Given the recent headlines regarding Ashley Judd, I thought I would share the email below, which took place between me and a journalist several weeks ago.

At the end of the day, Ashley Judd is just a very talented individual, who like the rest of us, just wants to have some peace of mind.  We should respect her right to privacy, and as she has stated so eloquently, “change the conversation.”

As plastic surgeons, it might be more appropriate if we kept some of our thoughts and discussions within the context of our academic circles.  As a society, we should all resist the temptation to judge others by their appearance. 

Maybe Thumper had it right ...

Donald Altman, M.D.
Irvine, California

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Una Clínica de Cirugía Plástica Increíble en Barcelona -

View from Irvine Plastic Surgery Center
Photo by Donald Altman, M.D.
Several weeks ago I had the pleasure of visiting Dr. Jorge Planas, the director of the The Clinica Planas in Barcelona, Spain.

His father, Jaimie Planas, started the clinic, exclusively dedicated to plastic and reconstructive surgery more than 40 years.  The clinic serves as center of excellence in the area of cosmetic surgery, laser therapy, nutrition, and other areas patient of well-being.   Resident surgeons in training, primarily from Spanish speaking countries, including South and Central America were gracious and welcoming.

The patients, physicians, and staff all spoke Spanish, with very little English as one might expect.   

Frankly, this was the most impressive plastic surgery facility that I have ever witnessed.    It was immaculate, orderly, respectful of patients privacy, and the work produced was excellent.  

Clinica Planas, Barcelona
I was able to observe breast implant surgery, particularly as it relates to the recent issues of PIP implants in Europe.  In order to give their clients peace of mind, the doctors and the Planas Clinic are removing the implants for their patients at no charge.

The following is an excellent video that takes a patient through the breast augmentation process at the Clinica Planas in Barcelona Spain.

It was fascinating to compare and contrast the breast augmentation procedures performed at the Planas Clinic with the surgeries performed at Irvine Plastic Surgery Center under my care. 

For anyone considering breast augmentation, I would welcome a dialogue on this topic. 

Any patient presented with the opportunity to seek cosmetic surgery in Barcelona might consider himself or herself lucky to have access to the work performed in this clinic.   Any plastic surgeon fortunate enough to visit the Clinica Planas  or attend their international cosmetic meeting this fall will not be disappointed.

Donald Altman, M.D.
Irvine, California

Friday, February 17, 2012

A Special Group of Patients

View from Irvine Plastic Surgery Center, January 30, 2012
Photo by Donald Altman M.D.
It occurred to me this evening, that amidst my multiple Facebook updates regarding happy patients who have undergone cosmetic procedures, there needs to be equal time and mention of the brave population of women in my practice who are facing the heroic challenges of living with the diagnoses of breast cancer. We can only begin to appreciate how difficult their situation must be.

In the last several days, our practice interfaced with 6 women undergoing restorative surgery after mastectomy. Each story is different, but the common link is that each person caught the disease early because she conducted self-exams, underwent mammography, and sought medical attention. One individual underwent breast augmentation many years earlier in my practice. She persisted and requested that I perform a biopsy despite a mammogram performed in San Diego, which suggested an irregular breast mass was normal tissue. Sometimes, the patient knows best. The value of trusting one’s instinct can never be under estimated.

I am not sure why I am seeing more breast cancer in my practice1, but I certainly feel privileged to be caring for this special group of individuals. I applaud the Susan Komen Foundation for reversing their decision to cut off funds to Planned Parenthood which were intended to support mammography and early breast cancer detection2 services.

Today, I spent time with a patient who underwent a double mastectomy and reconstruction almost 12 years ago. I will never forget our initial visit, when I witnessed her devastation after she received the diagnosis.

Now, so many years later, she has begun to trust life again. Her general health is excellent and her fear of cancer seems to be well behind her. In fact, today, she had a little Botox placed between her eyebrows just to feel a little better.

It is an encouraging sign of healing when a patient who has been devastated by something truly as awful as cancer, feels well enough to enjoy the simple pleasure of reducing a few frowns and wrinkles.

Maybe the next time we are on an airplane or in a restaurant, there will be an opportunity to demonstrate more patience with the flight attendant or server who may have just returned to work from her cancer treatment. The challenge belongs to everyone who lives with, knows of, or cares for someone who has crossed paths with cancer.

I am inspired by the enduring strength, wisdom, and courage of the women in my practice who are forced to confront this difficult disease.

Donald Altman, M.D.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Choosing a Cosmetic Surgeon – Character Counts.

View from Irvine Plastic Surgery Center
Photo by Donald Altman, M.D.
“Within the first three to five minutes of meeting someone new, that person will have formed a strong feeling about who you are, how much they will like, trust and have confidence in you, and whether they will want to form a relationship with you.” 1

There have been numerous lectures and publications stating how to choose your cosmetic surgeon. Many agree that training and dedication on the part of the physician are a good start, but few references mention how important it is for the patient to assess the character of the surgeon and the style of his or her practice as part of the decision. Whereas it is absolutely important that the surgeon is capable of achieving excellent results, I believe that surgeons and patients alike underestimate the importance of the process, by which patients consider the personality of their surgeon in making a selection.

The character of the surgeon defines how decisions are made and the manner in which care is rendered.

In theory, all interactions with the doctor’s practice should be in the best interest of the patient.

Careful observation on the part of a prospective patient is invaluable to making the right choices in their caretaker.

The surgeon must always abide by the Hippocratic Oath taken in medical school, “first do no harm,” a confirmation to practice in an ethical manner. He or she must determine how to get the patient from A to Z in the safest manner with the fewest risks. The plastic surgeon is in a position to know much more about his craft than the patient undergoing treatment. In business practice this is known as information asymmetry. It is the responsibility of the surgeon to determine the procedure and limit the scope of risk in any session.

A professional should resist the temptation to operate only for financial gain. Far too many cosmetic surgeons avoid suggesting to patients that it may take two or more steps / stages / surgeries to complete a surgical process in fear that the patient will be lost to a competitor who will offer multiple procedures in a single session.

The patient must also determine his or her risk tolerance in helping to determine the plan. It seems that no one has time to have their surgery performed in stages, but everyone finds time to go to the hospital with complications.

A word about technical advances in cosmetic surgery: Beware of the flavor of the month marketing in plastic surgery. The public is bombarded daily with news about new devices and proprietary procedures that can be used to perform miracle transformations over the lunch hour. A conservative surgeon will probably not be the first or last in town to try something new. A high performance racecar doesn’t make a safer driver anymore than a “smart” laser or liposuction machine should appreciably improve surgical results.

With that in mind the prospective patient should understand that:
· Cosmetic Surgery is about improvement and not perfection
· Individuals in good mental and physical health tend to do better than those who are not.
· Healing is not always predictable.

In most cosmetic surgery practices a time period exists for elective consultations which runs somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes. During this time, the patient is typically introduced to staff members, the surgeon, a consultant, and someone to discuss fees.

A separate time is not designated for the patient to evaluate the character of the surgeon and the practice. It is the responsibility of the patient to make this determination during the consultation period.

Observations and interactions might include the following:

Does the doctor demonstrate humor or creativity? 2 Humor exhibited tastefully can help create a bond in a new relationship. Creativity, like artistry, is probably a very good indicator of an individual’s ability to perform in a field like plastic surgery.

Are patients called on the phone when the office is running late? Medical practices, by definition, offer care, which is often unpredictable in terms of time. A practice, which attempts to call patients when the schedule is delayed, reflects a respect for the patient’s time.

Are the patient’s in the waiting room generally happy? Keep in mind that the office staff and the consultative environment are a direct extension of the surgeon’s personality.

Is there open and friendly exchange between patients and staff members upon arrival and departure from the office? Are the patients allowed to socialize or are they locked in exam rooms for long periods of time waiting to be seen. Often times this type of patient isolation is defended as attending to issues of HIPA compliance. Most patients are overjoyed to share positive experiences.

Does the office seem clean? Does the doctor wash his hands before examining a patient? It may seem like a simple matter, but cleanliness and attempts to avoid infection imply a certain respect for the well being of the patient.

Is there a medical assistant or chaperone in the room during exams?

How does the doctor treat his staff?

It might be awkward but worth asking, how long has his or her longest staff member been present? Physicians that work well with staff have the ability to work well with the public. I’ve had one employee that has been with me for 23 years. Four others remained with me for more than 10 years.

Does the doctor offer a holistic approach to the interview or does he just ask about the body part involved? It is nice to know that the surgeon appreciates the patient as someone’s mother, daughter, or sister.

Does the doctor give enough time to ask questions?

Perhaps ask the physician how he got interested in cosmetic surgery. The interview might give added insight into the personality of the doctor.

Does the doctor or the staff provide before and after pictures upon request? Are patients in the practice willing to share their experiences? All of these behaviors reflect on the attitude that the physician has created with staff and patients.

Does the doctor seem cavalier or arrogant?

Does he seem to encourage the patient undergoing multiple larger procedures in a single session or taking smaller safer steps?

Ask the doctor if he ever turns patients away? Under what circumstances does this occur?

Does the doctor every consult colleagues for assistance or a second opinion? A wonderful quality in any individual is one that acknowledges that often times two heads are better than one or possibly in the surgical realm four hands may be better than two.

Rarely, complications occur when all of the steps and precautions have been taken. Can the patient discuss how he or she might deal with a complication? Exploring how a surgeon might handle this situation is critical to the decision of moving forward with this individual. Most unfavorable outcomes can be improved over time. It requires a special skill set for a doctor to take a patient through unplanned problems with healing.

Ask how the patient might communicate with the doctor after surgery? Does the doctor give out cell phone # or participate in email or texting? Does he make house calls or meet after hours if necessary? Remember the three A’s of being a good doctor include – affability, availability, and ability.

Is there some transparency in pricing? After all, plastic surgery is very expensive and it would be nice to understand the costs. Does the surgeon discuss the risks of revision and how the costs might be handled?

Review the surgeon’s record on State Medical Board. Ask the doctor about their medical legal record. A physician who is proud of his track record should encourage a patient of the opportunity to discuss a difficult issue. The medical malpractice carriers have no problem assessing the personality of risky physicians and likely charging a premium for their coverage.3

Review the surgeon’s ratings on internet opinion sites. Realize however, that one angry patient has tremendous power to dissuade public opinion and that many happy patients refrain from posting their experiences.

Are the surgeon’s credentials posted on a website or somewhere that is readily available to the patient?

Is there an opportunity to see the surgical facility?
Many cosmetic procedures can be safely performed under local anesthetic. In cases where sedation is offered is the facility accredited, certified, or licensed?

Can one meet the anesthesiologist, the nurses circulating room nurse or the recovery room nurse? Does the surgeon take patients with more extensive procedures or higher surgical risks to a hospital? Are these patients required to be reviewed and cleared for surgery by appropriate internists, such as cardiologist for those who might be in certain risk categories?

A word about training:

Since the definition of cosmetic surgeon is largely undefined, considering the individual’s training and scope of practice further complicates the question. The surgeon should know his or her areas of comfort, as well as limitations. Adhering to one’s level of competence when it comes to providing healthcare of any nature should entail more than a casual appreciation of the Peter Principle. 4

After 4 years of medical school, I underwent hospital based residency training for two years in General Surgery, three years in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, two years of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 6 months in cosmetic surgery, and another 4 months in pediatric plastic surgery. This amounted to a total of 12 years of education after college. This training culminated with rigorous examinations and certification by the American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery and subsequently by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Remaining in a mentor / hospital based traditional education system brought me the greatest exposure and the greatest depth to my experience that I could offer my patients.

Such a rigorous traditional course of training fit my personality. Maybe I am overly cautious, but the need to be overly prepared is a reflection of my character. I am reasonably risk- averse, particularly when it comes to treating other individuals.

Most of my surgical personality, however, developed and evolved during the 25 years of private practice after completion of my formal training. Through trial and error and continuing education I developed the judgment and style of practice that represents my present craft.

Having said this, can one achieve excellence in practice delivery with a different background, training, or experience? The simple answer is yes. There are many types of training and experiences that differ from my own, any of which are capable of producing excellent cosmetic surgeons. Just as there are great basketball stars that became professional right out of high school and leading CEO’s that never went to college, there are individuals who may achieve excellence in their careers without traditional academic training. Such excellence, however, might prompt the consumer to subject the surgeon to a heightened level of review.

Conversely, there are physicians with extensive training that may or may not be good surgeons for any number of reasons, one of which may be related to character flaws. The issue probably extends outside the scope and purpose of this paper. A formal discussion on subjecting cosmetic surgeons to uniform credentialing and peer review have been intentionally avoided in this paper as they are complicated and involve economic “turf wars,” between physicians sometimes thinly veiled as attempts to establish standards for patient safety. Simply stated, if a cosmetic surgeon, traditionally trained or not, proposes an operation or procedure, it behooves the patient to take the time to understand how the professional arrived at this station in his or her career. Do your homework, ask questions, and above all trust your intuition – because character counts.


A patient should expend just as much time and energy learning about the character of the surgeon as he or she would dedicate to trying to understand the details and nuances of a surgical procedure. This includes being absolutely certain he or she was pleased with the overall communication, relationship, and rapport with the doctor and his practice.

At the end of the day, a decision to move forward with a procedure in a plastic surgery practice, like most choices in life, depends on a gut reaction. Trust your intuition. Do you feel good about the physician’s character? Ask yourself if this individual will be there to provide care through thick and thin, in good times and bad? If this answer is apparent, you have found your doctor. The surgery should be the easy part.

Cosmetic surgery should be a positive experience that lasts a lifetime.

Donald Altman, M.D. 
Irvine, California

1. "Contact: The First Four Minutes: A Practical Approach to Meeting the Right Person" (Ballantine Books, 1994). Posted by Jim Gray in the Daily Pilot on June 26th, 2011

2. http://www.dailypilot.com/news/opinion/tn-dpt-0626-gray-20110624,0,6530535.story Article written by Jim Gray in the Daily Pilot on June 26th, 2011

3. Blink, The Power of Thinking without Thinking, written by Malcolm Gladwell, Little, Brown, and Company, Copyright 2005